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  • How do I order for custom cakes + treats?
    Please complete our inquiry form at "Custom Orders" For standard menu items check "Order Online"
  • How soon can I place an order?
    Custom orders - We are happy to take your order no earlier than 2 months prior to the event. We ask for a minimum of a weeks notice for custom orders. Weddings - Please reach out no earlier than 6 months of the big day. Treats + hand crafted cheesecakes - please provide 1 weeks notice to prepare For any inquiries regarding rush orders please text our chat line at 219-267-1630
  • Do you have a store location I can visit?
    Not at this time. Please place your orders for curbside pickup or delivery.
  • Do you accommodate dietary restrictions?
    We currently offer vegan + gluten free options. Sugar free is not available at this time.
  • Is delivery available? How far? How much?
    Yes but it is limited to availability. Delivery is accepted at a first come first serve basis. We offer delivery within a 30 miles radius. Delivery fee is based on location. Cities local to Highland start at $25, Chicago Suburbs $50+ , Chicago $75+
  • Meet ups?
    No, please schedule a curbside pick up or delivery.
  • Do you offer tastings?
    We currently offer a cupcake sample box. Choose up to 3 flavor/filling combinations.
  • When should I expect to hear from you?
    Please allow 24-48 hours response time. This time may be longer during peak business days (Thursday-Saturday)
  • Do you ship?
    Unfortunately no.
  • Adult themed cakes?
    We offer custom cakes for all events!
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